Global demand for product managers is on the rise. In 2021, Facebook announced plans to hire 10,000 people to help build out the Metaverse, while other leaders in the tech industry also announced similar plans to continue hiring and fostering global tech talent

With global tech talents being hired at an unprecedented rate comes the need for competent project managers to help coordinate and direct companies' growing efforts.

If you find yourself among the many businesses searching for skilled professionals, read on. This article outlines the ten best places in the world where they can be found.

‍What is a Product Manager?

Product managers are all about improving processes and delivering solutions. They help build products of value by identifying customers' needs and aligning them with business objectives. 

Product managers help bridge the gap from a product vision to reality. They focus on solving customers' problems by harnessing businesses' resources and fine-tuning processes. 

Product managers are often referred to as the CEO of the Product, owning the process of product ideation, discovery, and strategy, from creation to market release. This is accomplished by carving out a strategic vision that includes a product roadmap, facilitating collaborative communication, and ensuring products are executed effectively. Product managers are responsible for cross-functionally liaising with internal teams and external stakeholders to ensure everyone involved is in alignment. 

There are various types of product managers, from generalists to new venture PMs to platform PMs, domain knowledge PMs, growth PMs, and more. Product managers are in need across almost every industry. 

Although product managers have been around for nearly a century, the role has evolved considerably. At present, product managers are increasingly focused on building digital products. 

Countries with the Most Technological Expertise

Before we get into what countries offer the best project management talent, you might be curious about which is home to the most skilled IT professionals. Technological expertise is among many attributes factored into the United States' 2023 Best Countries rankings. Technological developments are a significant factor in a country's overall success and progression and naturally affect the development of the nation's workforce. 

Here are a few countries that were named as some of the most tech-savvy countries in the world: 


Japan is one of the world's most literate and technically advanced countries and boasts the world's third-largest economy. The country has a strong tradition of innovation and investment in research and development, being home to numerous world-renowned universities, research institutions, and renowned tech companies. These entities help drive innovation and contribute to the development of cutting-edge technologies.

Additionally, Japan has a booming job market that has long been home to some of the world's largest and most influential electronics and automotive companies, including Sony, Panasonic, Toyota, Honda, and Nissan. Their technological advancement has paved the way for Japan to become a world leader in robotics and automation technology.

Japanese society also readily embraces technology through the early adoption of consumer electronics, the widespread use of advanced robotics, and a strong overall presence of technology in everyday life.

South Korea

South Korea has one of the world's most advanced and fastest internet infrastructures. This has facilitated the growth of the ICT sector and technologies related to telecommunications, mobile devices, and software development. 

The country is also home to several large conglomerates owned by wealthy families known as "chaebols," including Samsung, Hyundai, LG, and SK Group. These corporations invest heavily in research and development and have a global presence in industries like electronics, automotive, and petrochemicals.

South Korea has a tech-savvy population that readily adopts and embraces new technologies. Citizens maintain high smartphone usage rates, while there's widespread use of mobile apps and a strong presence of technology in everyday life. These factors, combined with a culture of innovation and a competitive business environment, have positioned South Korea as a leader in technological advancement on the global stage.


The Chinese government has been heavily investing in research and development. It has set ambitious goals for its future technological advancement. Programs like Made in China 2025 and the 14th Five-Year Plan focus on developing critical high-tech industries to keep the country competitive amidst growing global competition.

China is home to some of the world's largest and most innovative companies in the tech sector, including Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei, and Baidu. These companies have played a pivotal role in driving technological innovation, both domestically and globally.

The country also has a robust manufacturing infrastructure and has begun incorporating innovation ecosystems into major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou, with numerous tech parks, research institutes, and startup incubators. These hubs even facilitate collaboration between academia, industry, and startups.

United States

The United States has a long history of investing heavily in research and development across various fields. The government, along with private companies, universities, and research institutions, dedicate substantial resources to advance technology in pursuit of international competitiveness. 

The US is home to some of the largest and most influential technology companies globally, including Apple, Google (Alphabet), Amazon, Facebook (Meta), Microsoft, and more. These tech giants have been at the forefront of technological innovation, driving advancements in software, hardware, artificial intelligence, and other fields for decades.

The country also invests heavily in military and defense technology, driving advancements in areas such as aerospace, cybersecurity, and advanced weaponry. Many of these innovations eventually make their way to civilian applications.


Germany invests heavily in tech research and development through a robust network of research institutions, both public and private, which work closely with industries to drive innovation. Germany's technological landscape is also populated by many 'Mittelstands,' which refer to mid-sized companies that are often family-owned and specialized in niche industries. These businesses form the backbone of the German economy and are known for their technological expertise.

Germany is a global leader in the automotive industry, known for its production of and research in electric and autonomous vehicles. Companies like Volkswagen, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz boast a world-renowned reputation for high-quality, precision manufacturing. This reputation for quality contributes to the country's technological leadership.

If you'd like to learn about the other five countries that made the US' top 10 countries with technological expertise, check out the full list here.

10 Countries with First-Rate Product Management Talent

So, does the technological development of a country correlate to having the best global technical talent?

Read on to learn about the best countries for tech jobs and where to find world-class digital product managers. Every country noted below has a workforce that is either multilingual or entirely English-speaking.


Germany has a dynamic tech scene, flush with startups. Many are located in Berlin, commonly known as the Silicon Valley of Europe, where it's said that a new startup is born every 20 minutes. 

Germany is a hotbed for exceptional product managers. Being a product manager is all about working together to build inventive solutions. Germany provides that sense of collaboration and innovation within its tech ecosystem that empowers product managers to do their best work. 


Singapore is a global leader in tech. Its investment in research and development puts it at the forefront of innovative digital product development. Within this thriving tech scene, product management is on the rise. 

Product managers in Singapore operate within a tech ecosystem that's breaking new ground. Access to cutting-edge resources and experience at innovative firms provides them with valuable insight and expertise. 


Portugal is one of the top spots in Europe for product managers. It is a hub for innovation and product development, as evidenced by its annual hosting of Web Summit. Each year, product managers and tech professionals come together at Web Summit to learn about new and emerging technologies. 

On top of Portugal's collaborative tech scene, the state also provides financing and support to product managers. As a result, Portugal is home to a population of skillful product managers eager to learn and grow. 


A growing population of highly adept product managers is within India's booming IT sector. As one of the largest tech hubs in the world, India provides a wealth of opportunities for product managers. 

India's growing investment in technology has led to higher-quality education for tech professionals. Its superior technical courses provide product managers with the skills needed to compete in India's bustling tech industry. Positions in areas such as data science are also widely popular, as India's tech scene as a whole is one of the largest in the world.


There's a reason why nine out of ten of the world's leading software and technology firms have set up shop in Ireland. The tech scene is flourishing largely due to Ireland's investment in research and development. As more capital flows into tech, Ireland is emerging as a hub for innovation in Europe. 

All of this tech activity has developed a pool of highly skilled product managers. Ireland's focus on research and development has given them the necessary space and resources to focus on developing innovative products. 


Digital tech has been on the rise in the last decade in the UK. This boom in technological innovation has helped develop a talented group of product managers. As the UK government pumps more capital into its technology infrastructure, product managers are gaining the opportunity to help create innovative products. 

The UK also has a pool of product managers with valuable experience working at Impact Unicorns, a particular breed of startups that meet a $1 billion USD valuation. Impact Unicorns focuses on developing products that vow to contribute positively to 1 billion people by focusing on lessening societal issues. 

The Netherlands

Often referred to as the startup capital of Europe, the Netherlands is a hive for tech professionals. It's buzzing with innovation and filled with skilled product managers who are accustomed to working in a cutting-edge tech industry. 

As tech giants such as Microsoft, Google, and IBM set up operations in the Netherlands, local product managers are gaining valuable experience. Global tech leaders recognize the Netherlands' technological contribution, particularly in artificial intelligence. 


Not only does Italy have a vibrant cultural scene, but it is also in the midst of a tech boom. International investors have turned their sights on the startup scene, and capital is rolling in. After years of being left behind technologically, Italy is making up for lost time. 

Italian product managers are a vital piece of Italy's emerging tech ecosystem. Product management is all about learning through doing, and Italy is providing product managers with the opportunity to build innovative products from the ground up. 


As a global tech leader, China has a lot to offer product managers. The role is on the rise in China, where product managers have the opportunity to grow in a dynamic, ever-evolving tech scene. 

China is where innovative products and platforms like WeChat, Tencent, and Alibaba came to be. In recent years, digital product development in China has gotten even more sophisticated, and the emerging pool of product managers is playing a key role. 


Australian tech startups have received billions of dollars in funding in the last few years alone. That flow of capital has provided product managers with the means to create truly innovative products. 

Digital platforms like Canva, Airwallex, and Afterpay are changing the game on the world stage, and Australian product managers are major contributors to that success. They've been able to play an essential role in creating innovative digital products that are known worldwide. 

How Much Are Product Managers Paid?

Not only is product management one of the fastest-growing roles, but it is also a very well-paid position. However, the average salary of product managers varies around the world. In the US, for example, the average annual income of a product manager in the United States is $113,975 USD, while in Ireland, the average annual salary is €69,034 ($73,012 USD) per year. You'll need to take the pay expectations of employees from different countries into consideration when hiring product managers globally. 

What Can Borderless Do for You?

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An employer of record can help you grow your team hassle-free. We'll help you engage with individuals in over 170 countries while remaining compliant with local laws and regulations. From hiring to payroll and even formalities like visas and tax contributions, our solutions make global expansion that much easier. Book a demo today to see how Borderless can help your business.

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